01 – The last buffalo
02 – Best day of my life
03 – Coltrane plays the blues
04 – Waiting for the sun to rise
05 – Frontier
06 – Rio Grande
07 – Everybody wants to rule the world
08 – Tell me where it hurts
09 – The moon's a harsh mistress
10 – Bad time to say goodbye
11 – The downtown lights
12 – Cradle to the grave
Length: 53:53
Composers: Lou Pomanti: tracks 1 & 5; Marc Jordan: tracks 2 & 6 (with Steven Mackinnon); tracks 3 & 4 (with John Capek); track 8 (with Bruce Gaitsch), and tracks 10 & 12 (with Lou Pomanti). Orchestrations and programming by Lou Pomanti.
Marc Jordan: lead vocals on all tracks; background vocals on tracks 7, 8 & 11; piano intro on track 11
Lou Pomanti: piano on all tracks; background vocals on track 6; bass on track 12
Scott Alexander: bass on tracks 2, 6, 7, 9 & 11
Marc Rogers: bass on tracks 3 & 10
Bruce Gaitsch: guitar and bass on track 8
Mark Kelso: drums on tracks 2, 6, 7, 9 & 11
Paul Leim: drums on track 3
Doug Yowell: drums on track 8
Kevan McKenzie: drums on track 12
Randy Brecker: trumpet on tracks 2, 6 & 7 (solo)
Tony Carlucci: trumpet on tracks 3 & 7
William Carn: trombone on tracks 3 & 7
John Johnson: sax on tracks 3 & 7
Roly Platt: harmonica on track 6
Ezra Jordan: background vocals on tracks 6, 7, 8 & 11
Prague Smecky Orchestra: strings on all tracks except 3, 7 & 8
Sample Track
Here's a sample track from
Waiting for the Sun to Rise. This is “Coltrane plays the blues,” written by Marc Jordan and John Capek. (If you don't see the audio player below, please update your browser. The file might take 30 seconds or more to load, depending on the speed of your internet connection and CPU.)
Record label: Linus Entertainment
Distribution: The Linus Entertainment official store plus Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp. For links, visit
Linus Entertainment